Justice Matters. It's Your Right.


The Queens Defenders Chronicles is a regularly updated run-down of the variety of events and programs we offer.

Runway to Success

Most fashion shows aim to showcase high-end merchandise worn by willowy girls. “Hour Fashion Night,” an event organized by Johanna Flores, Employment Coordinator at Hour Working Women Program (HWWP) and sponsored by Queens Defenders (QD), turned that concept inside out by featuring real women in affordable clothing.

Justice 456

Understanding the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment rights is critical for black and brown people, especially adolescents and young adults. Queens Defenders is launching Justice 456, an educational tour of schools, community centers, churches, and other community venues. We want to teach those most at risk of a wrongful conviction how to protect themselves.

The Messenger

In 2012 I was just another teenager looking for answers. What would my life be in 5 years? Things began to take a turn that year. I was 17 years old and a junior at Grover Cleveland High School.

Twitter Feeds

The Queens Defenders Board of Directors has appointed Anthony Martone as Interim Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer.

Read the full release:

Queens Defenders thanks @JSandersNYC for meeting with representatives from @RAPPcampaign and the People's Campaign for Parole Justice to discuss the Senator's co-sponsored bills: Fair & Timely Parole (S159/A127) & Elder Parole (S454/A514). #ParoleJusticeNY


HAPPENING TODAY: Day of Action in Honor of Robert Brooks

More than 30 days have passed since Robert Brooks was beaten to death by prison guards at Marcy Correctional Facility. There have been no arrests or indictments.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dedication to equal justice by supporting the All of Us (@UntitledAndFree) day of action, education, & resistance.

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